

Ste Rose de Lima Church has a catechism program for children roughly between the ages of 6 and 15 (or more exactly, for grades 1 through 7, though catechism ‘grades’ or ‘levels’ don’t correspond exactly to school grades, especially as sometimes children begin their catechetical studies later. We try to put kids with others their own ages). Children meet at Ste Rose de Lima Church Wednesdays after school from about 4 to 5 pm. Many of the children come from the Ste Rose School (unaffiliated with the church) which happens to be just across the street from the church.

Catechism aims to instruct children on the content of the Catholic faith as well as to help them begin to practice a life of worship and prayer.

The 2021 catechism classes begin Wednesday October 6th. If you want to register your child please contact Suzie the Catechism Coordinator at 204-447-2484 or srchurch@mts.net, or fill out the catechism registration form.

Ordinarily children are prepared to receive their First Communion around the time they are in grade three, and prepared for Confirmation around the time that they are in grade eight. But we know that the lives of real people are complicated; if your child hasn’t been to catechism for a few years, or has never been at all, we’ll do what we can to integrate him or her into our program.

Or suppose it’s been some time since you’ve been to church—sending your child to catechism is a very good time to return to regular Sunday worship. Indeed, if families don’t come to Mass on Sunday, the children soon experience a cognitive dissonance: at catechism that they are told that union with Christ through the sacraments is the goal of human life, but the lives of their parents suggest that union with Christ in the sacraments is not actually a priority. Please, come to Mass! And if you know there are some irregularities in your lives that are preventing you from receiving Holy Communion — life, again, is complicated — please mention it to the priest. He will try to help you find solutions.