Consecration to the Virgin Mary

From the Archdiocese:

On May 1, 2020, Most Reverend Richard Gagnon will Consecrate the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, and indeed all of Canada, to our Blessed Mother Mary. The Consecration will be live-streamed from St. Mary's Cathedral at 2:00 pm Winnipeg time, with the feed available on the Archdiocesan Facebook page and YouTube channel. To assist dioceses and eparchies with preparations for the upcoming Consecration to Mary, Mother of the Church, the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) prepared a ritual and a specific prayer to recite during the act of Consecration.

Along with Bishops across the country, pastors, families, groups, individuals and other faith communities may likewise choose to join the consecration as part of the global effort to unite in faith and prayer in this most difficult time.

You can watch the consecration Friday at 2pm on the Archdiocese’s Youtube channel or Facebook page.

Patrick Neufeld
The Archbishop's Friday Report

I was wondering whether this week the Archbishop would tell us whether we should expect to resume public Masses the first Sunday in May—we are still presuming that public Masses are suspended up to and including Sunday April 26th—but I have the impression he doesn’t know the answer to that question yet himself. Like the rest of us, he is waiting to see how things develop and when the government eases restrictions.

A blessed Easter Friday to you all.

Patrick Neufeld
Happy Easter!

I’ve always wondered if it would be possible to celebrate an Easter Vigil in which one read all nine scripture readings, one sung all the psalms, and the only light was candlelight. Well, it turns out to be possible—too bad I had to experience alone. If I were to attempt it again, I should want more candles. And, more importantly, more people.

Christ has Risen! He has risen indeed. May you all have a blessed Easter season.

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Patrick Neufeld
one of my covid pastimes

One of the upsides of all this quiet time this spring is that I’ve had a little more time and attention to paint. So far I’ve made a small icon of St Michael the Archangel. I haven’t been able to figure out the proper icon technique, so it’s not a true icon painted with egg tempera. But I do what I can in watercolours.

Patrick Neufeld
...on this your night of grace, accept this candle as a solemn offering...

From the Archbishop’s office:

Parishes are asked to encourage their parishioners to place a lighted candle in their windows on Holy Saturday night. This is meant to be a sign of the Light of Christ which dispels all darkness and a gesture of our solidarity on this Holy Night.

Parishes whose churches have bells are asked to ring their bells for five minutes beginning at noon on Easter Sunday. This is meant to be an expression of our Easter Joy.

I would encourage you to invite your parishioners to pray the nine-day Divine Mercy Novena leading up to Divine Mercy Sunday, April 19, 2020. The novena would begin on Good Friday, April 10th. The intention of this Divine Mercy Novena will be for an end to the coronavirus health crisis in Canada and throughout the world. We include in our prayers the intentions of all health care workers and those who are struggling with the virus and those who have died. (you can find the Divine Mercy Chaplet on our Archdiocesan website:

Ste Rose Church hasn’t any bells to ring, I’m sorry to say, but the churches in Laurier and McCreary intend to ring theirs Easter morning and all the Sundays in Easter.

Patrick Neufeld
Happy Palm Sunday

Ste Rose Church has blessed palms available. The church is open 10 am to 12 noon for private prayer. God bless you as you begin your meditations for Holy week.

Patrick Neufeld
Televised Mass Resources

Salt + Light TV has made arrangements with Rogers, Bell, Telus, Shaw Direct & Videotron so that Salt + Light TV is available free of charge to all subscribers until May 1, 2020.  Therefore, all subscribers may have access to televised Masses seven days a week.  The channel number on each cable company that carries Salt + Light TV can be found at

Patrick Neufeld
Special Urbi et Orbi blessing

Pope Francis announced Sunday that he will give an extraordinary Urbi et Orbi blessing this week with the opportunity for Catholics to receive a plenary indulgence by tuning in via media.

It is to take place tomorrow, Friday at 6pm Rome time—that’s 12 noon here I think. Read about it here.

Patrick Neufeld
Podcast on Spiritual Communion

The Catholic Answers Focus Podcast has published a very enlightening episode on the practice of spiritual communion. You can listen to it on your smartphone or tablet by subscribing to Catholic Answers Focus or by going here.

Patrick Neufeld
Live Stream of Holy Eucharist with Archbishop Gagnon

From the Archdiocese:

Join our Celebration of the Holy Eucharist through livestream on our Archdiocesan websiteFacebook, or YouTube (membership on Facebook or YouTube not required to view the stream)! Archbishop Richard Gagnon will preside at Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral on Sunday, March 22, 2020, at 11:00 am. Please share this information with our sisters and brothers in Christ.

We invite you to read the Archdiocesan resource on 'Spiritual Communion' prior to our Sunday celebration. You can access it by clicking here.

Finally, a reminder that our celebrations of the Mass will be offered pro populo (for the people) due to COVID-19 risks. For the health and safety of all in our community, we ask that you stay home and join us, instead, in the Spiritual Communion of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Patrick Neufeld