Panel discussion on Medical Assistance in Dying

I was sent this “Zoom” style panel discussion on the subject of Medical Assistance in Dying, which is the subject of bill c-7 presently passing through parliament. On the panel are Dr. Harvey Schipper, prof of Medicine & adjunct prof of law at the Univ. of Toronto; Dr. Leonie Herx, Chair, Division of Palliative Medicine, Queen's University; Andrew Coyne, Globe & Mail Natl. Affairs columnist; and Harry Swain, former federal deputy minister.

It’s rather long, but well worth your attention.

Patrick Neufeld
(modified) Red restrictions extended

On January 21st the Province extended the Red restrictions again with some modifications. The only change that affects our churches is that funerals gatherings can now accommodate ten persons, not including the priest and funeral staff. Public Masses remain suspended until at least February 12th.

Please watch our Archbishop’s weekly report — he addresses some of the pertinent issues.

Patrick Neufeld
Another 2 weeks...

The Province of Manitoba announced today that the “Red” restrictions will continue for another two weeks, until January 22nd.

Patrick Neufeld
Archdiocese responds to extension.

The Archbishop has sent the parishes of the Archdiocese a memo referring us to his earlier memos on the “Red” restrictions. That means that public masses will continued to be suspended until January 8th or until we receive other instructions.

His Grace continues to dispense Catholics of the Archdiocese from their Sunday obligation until March 1 2021.

He writes:

The celebration of Christmas this year will look and feel much different from what we are used to. Nevertheless, we will still celebrate the Nativity of our Lord and related Feasts with faith and devotion…Remember also to pray for those who are particularly isolated and vulnerable at this time.

Patrick Neufeld